Monday, April 7, 2014

What's in your food?

There are a ton of confusing food theories. Clean eating. Paleo. Atkins. Weight Watchers. South Beach. Vegan. Vegatarian. Pecsatarian. It's ridiculous how difficult it is. 

I have two theories. You either:
A.) eat to loose a weight, or
B.) eat clean. 

Clean eating is eating food in as natural of state as possible. Clean eating doesn't necessarily mean low calories. Bananas still have approximately 140 calories. And  losing weight is math, calories (energy) in versus calories out.

So you have to make a personal choice on which you will do. I personally try to eat as minimally processed food as possible in accurate portions. When you feed your body nutrients it needs and it isn't clogged by excessive, man-made chemicals, it functions better. It know how to process food. Plus, you are more satisfied with what you eat. 

I'm not a nutritionist. I can't tell you what's good for your body. But do give everything a chance. My body can't handle meat or peanuts. I feel amazing having a ton of water and vegtables. When I'm hungry, I don't get the shakes or headachs like I'm going through withdrawal. 

Our society as a whole is over fed and under nourished. Know what your putting in your body and why, it will change your life. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just move!

If you know me personally, I'm the person everyone hates that says they love to work out. And I say that as I'm sitting on my couch looking outside at the beautiful weather. Ha! We all have those days. 

There are so many theories about working out and what's the best. My thought? Just move!

I have my favorites, but I like to try everything to see how my body responds and if I like it. I hope in the future to share some of my favorite things. Don't worry, I won't sing them to you. Or maybe I will, just depends on how creative I get. 😉

Working out is more than loosing weight, is to improve cardiovascular health, reduce risk of diabetes, and a pletera of other health benefits. I love to lift weights, I like the feeling of being strong and being able to function in life without needing the help from others. (Just gave you a glimpse into my independent side. I swear it's gotten even worse being a pilot'a wife. You can read more about that here
I say I lift to be able to buy dog food (which is a 50 pound bag) and move furniture when husband is gone. It's nice to not have to worry about those things. 

Now a quick muscle lesson. Your body burns more calories to maintain muscle than it needs to in order to burn fat. So that means the more muscle you have, the more you burn at rest. 

In addition, a pound of muscle isn't the same as a pound of fat. 

This is why healthy people can total shock you when you see their scale numbers. It's also a reason scales aren't the greatest measure of fitness. After all, all your weight is is the gravitational pull the earth has on your body 😊

So while everyone may tell you one excercise is better than another, in all reality just do what you know you will do. Move. Stay active so you can live your life. You only have one chance to experience this earth, make the most of it. 

Weight Loss Basics

Ok, so the basics. 

One pound = 3,500 calories. 

To loose weight, you have to burn more than you consume. Best way is to create a 500 daily deficiency, which would total 3,500 calories a week, or one pound. 

To determine how many total calories you need a day is tricky because everyone has a different resting metabolistic rate, or what your body burns just to function. Apps such as MyFitnessPal are helpful in determining exactly how many calories you need to function based on your age, height, and current size. But remember, it's not 100% accurate. A few years ago I did have my metabolistic rate measured and it helps me to determine what I can and can't eat to mantain my weight. 

In order to loose weight you have to be real with yourself, which means tracking what you eat. I love MyFitnessPals, but there are many apps out there that are similar. Once you start adding up calories, you are amazed at all the "wasted" ones you consume. Drinks, condiments, silly things. It sheds light on areas where you could easily cut back. 

Eating right is the biggest part. Start making minor changes and smart decisions, and you will slowly inch forward. 

Looking great is an awesome bonus, but in reality, these decisions could save your life. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Yet another health blog. You’re welcome.

Sitting here, watching the Cincinnati Reds, and browsing the Taco Bell Breakfast Nutritional Menu on my phone. That’s when I start to realize I have a problem. No, I’m not planning a breakfast run, I’m just thoroughly intrigued what people put in their bodies and expect them to continue to work as they are designed to work.

So why a blog?

First, I’m driving my colleagues crazy going on and on about juicing, the evils of flu shots, and recipes.

Second, I love to write. I think that anyone that is a writer can never really call themselves “a writer.” Not sure why that is, but we all strive to someday to reach that level and finally feel comfortable with that title. In the meantime, I will simply say I’m most comfortable spilling my thoughts over paper ... or screen. Whichever.

Third, hopefully I can assist someone in learning more about their body and how it functions best. Believe it or not, I have a lot of people ask questions about nutrition, fitness, recipes, etc. I am by no means an expert in this field, I simply read a lot and am completely intrigued by the whole industry since an early age ... but more on that later.

Fourth, I recently discovered the Blogger app. I never sit at my laptop anymore, but now with this mind-blowing discovery, I can tell you my inmost thoughts whenever they may hit me. You’re welcome.

And lastly, I named this blog “More than a Pill” because I’m amazed that people will do ANYTHING to loose weight or get healthy, as long as it’s not eating right and exercising. In the past week or so, I’ve had three or so people mention going on pills to help control a disease or to loose weight. It literally hurts my heart because they could be doing unrepairable damage. I just want to people to know there is a better way and this is the least rude way to do it. If my friends what to search it out, great. If not, it is what it is. Maybe if nothing else, it will ease my mind enough to not annoy my coworkers.

Oh, and in case absolutely have to try out the new breakfast, at least go with the bacon grilled taco.