Monday, April 7, 2014

What's in your food?

There are a ton of confusing food theories. Clean eating. Paleo. Atkins. Weight Watchers. South Beach. Vegan. Vegatarian. Pecsatarian. It's ridiculous how difficult it is. 

I have two theories. You either:
A.) eat to loose a weight, or
B.) eat clean. 

Clean eating is eating food in as natural of state as possible. Clean eating doesn't necessarily mean low calories. Bananas still have approximately 140 calories. And  losing weight is math, calories (energy) in versus calories out.

So you have to make a personal choice on which you will do. I personally try to eat as minimally processed food as possible in accurate portions. When you feed your body nutrients it needs and it isn't clogged by excessive, man-made chemicals, it functions better. It know how to process food. Plus, you are more satisfied with what you eat. 

I'm not a nutritionist. I can't tell you what's good for your body. But do give everything a chance. My body can't handle meat or peanuts. I feel amazing having a ton of water and vegtables. When I'm hungry, I don't get the shakes or headachs like I'm going through withdrawal. 

Our society as a whole is over fed and under nourished. Know what your putting in your body and why, it will change your life. 

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