Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just move!

If you know me personally, I'm the person everyone hates that says they love to work out. And I say that as I'm sitting on my couch looking outside at the beautiful weather. Ha! We all have those days. 

There are so many theories about working out and what's the best. My thought? Just move!

I have my favorites, but I like to try everything to see how my body responds and if I like it. I hope in the future to share some of my favorite things. Don't worry, I won't sing them to you. Or maybe I will, just depends on how creative I get. 😉

Working out is more than loosing weight, is to improve cardiovascular health, reduce risk of diabetes, and a pletera of other health benefits. I love to lift weights, I like the feeling of being strong and being able to function in life without needing the help from others. (Just gave you a glimpse into my independent side. I swear it's gotten even worse being a pilot'a wife. You can read more about that here
I say I lift to be able to buy dog food (which is a 50 pound bag) and move furniture when husband is gone. It's nice to not have to worry about those things. 

Now a quick muscle lesson. Your body burns more calories to maintain muscle than it needs to in order to burn fat. So that means the more muscle you have, the more you burn at rest. 

In addition, a pound of muscle isn't the same as a pound of fat. 

This is why healthy people can total shock you when you see their scale numbers. It's also a reason scales aren't the greatest measure of fitness. After all, all your weight is is the gravitational pull the earth has on your body 😊

So while everyone may tell you one excercise is better than another, in all reality just do what you know you will do. Move. Stay active so you can live your life. You only have one chance to experience this earth, make the most of it. 

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