Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weight Loss Basics

Ok, so the basics. 

One pound = 3,500 calories. 

To loose weight, you have to burn more than you consume. Best way is to create a 500 daily deficiency, which would total 3,500 calories a week, or one pound. 

To determine how many total calories you need a day is tricky because everyone has a different resting metabolistic rate, or what your body burns just to function. Apps such as MyFitnessPal are helpful in determining exactly how many calories you need to function based on your age, height, and current size. But remember, it's not 100% accurate. A few years ago I did have my metabolistic rate measured and it helps me to determine what I can and can't eat to mantain my weight. 

In order to loose weight you have to be real with yourself, which means tracking what you eat. I love MyFitnessPals, but there are many apps out there that are similar. Once you start adding up calories, you are amazed at all the "wasted" ones you consume. Drinks, condiments, silly things. It sheds light on areas where you could easily cut back. 

Eating right is the biggest part. Start making minor changes and smart decisions, and you will slowly inch forward. 

Looking great is an awesome bonus, but in reality, these decisions could save your life. 

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